Monday, July 26, 2010


All my life I have been active and very outgoing, but I have always been heavy. When I was 10 years old I remember weighing over 80 pounds. I never wore bathing suits without a shirt over them and I was always nervous about what people thought about me. All my life I have been affected by my weight and I never had confidence in who I am. When I was 20 I got down to the smallest that I have ever been as an adult- 140 pounds and now that I am almost 25 and despise looking at myself in the mirror I am determined to get back down to that size again! I know that this challenge is going to be hard but I am going to do it! And I am going to gain self confidence! For once in my life I refuse to quit! I begin my challenge on August 2, 2010!!! Now I am just doing all the reading and research that I can. My goal for the next week and a half is to be in the gym getting my body use to the exercises, practice eating clean foods (clean eating magazine) and to post a new entry everyday on something that I learned, aka read or was encouraged by... Thank you for your support.... do not hesitate to push me during this challenge if I start to lag... please help me to be held accountable :) thank you.


An introduction to NIKI... Well I will be 25 in September and I work as a full time nanny. I am in love with an amazing man that supports me in anything that I set out to achieve, he is my best friend and someone that I trust. He has also committed to doing this challenge with me (not because he needs to lose weight, but because he wants to support me and see me succeed). I have 4 animal, 2 dogs and 2 cats and also James and I are in the process of buying a house. Its hard for me to give my all though to the things in my life because I have never given my all to myself... I don't think I have ever loved myself and that is my first step. This challenge is probably the most important thing in my life because I need to succeed and show myself that I am truly capable of great and extraordinary things!!! Thank you all for your support!!!

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